Monday, January 28, 2019



ABOUT DIET FOOD,all about diet.

International team of scientist new study finds that the
ABOUT DIET FOOD, all about diet,what is diet,diet benefits.
developing a diet that can improve health while ensuring sustainable food production to reduce further damage to the planet.

CNN reports that the diet is based in make half on sugar consumption and cutting red meat and increasing the consumption of fruits, vegetables, nuts and sprouts.

The researchers says that according to them new diet can prevent up to 11.6 million premature death without harming the planet. This report was published in medical journal The Lancet .

The study finds that a global change in diet and food production is needed as 3 billion people across the world are malnourished and food production is overstepping environmental targets. This in turn is driving climate change loss in biodiversity and increase in pollution.


Study says that world population is set to reach 10 billion people by 2050. That coupled with
ABOUT DIET FOOD, about diet, food requirement to people.
current diet and food production habits will exacerbate risks to people and planet. According Dr. Richard Horton editor in chief at the Lancet elucidated upon the reports finding noted that 1 billion people live in hunger and 2 billion people eat too much of wrong foods.
The report suggests below said five strategies to ensure people can change their diets and not harm the planet in doing so.

   1.  People have to eat healthier.
   2.   Shifting global people towards varied crops.
   3.   Intensifying  agriculture sustainable
   4.   Strict rules around the governing of oceans and lands.
   5.   Most important is to reducing wastage of food.

In an effort to enable healthy global population the team of
ABOUT DIET FOOD,all about diet,what is diet,diet benefits.
scientist created a global reference diet; which is an ideal daily meal plan for people over the age of 2. The study authors believe that the diet will help to reduce chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, stroke and diabetes as well as environmental degradation.


Thank you 

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